Civic Hackathon
for feminist online communities
By participating in the Hackathon, Participants accept the binding of the Civic Hackathon Rules and agree to comply by their provisions:
1. Eligibility
1Hackathon organisers have the right at their sole discretion to determine whether an entrant is eligible for the contest, and may disqualify at organisers’ sole discretion.
2. Funding and cancelation policy:
Organisers will cover travel, accommodation, and subsistence for confirmed participants for the duration of the Civic Hackathon.
Selected Participants will sign a declaration of compliance, and agree to commit to their participation before being confirmed.
Travel and accommodation costs are non-refundable. Perspective participants have the right to cancel their participations within 5 working days of receiving a confirmation letter.
In case of unjustified withdrawal from the civic Hackathon within 30 (thirty) days prior to the start of the event, organisers will have right to a refund.
3. Copyright and protection of intellectual property
Participants will not submit content that is copyrighted, protected by trade secret or otherwise subject to third party intellectual property rights or other property rights, including privacy and publicity rights, unless they are the owner of such rights or have permission from their rightful owner to post the content.
Participants will not submit content that is unlawful or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offense.
Participants will not post advertisements or solicitations of business
Participants agree that the project will own the intellectual property rights for the products of the Civic Hackathon, and the Organizers will be therefore be allowed to share and to modify those products (as in article 6.1)
By participating in the Hackathon every participant or team of participants give its express consent to Organizers to use all information derived or relating to the Hackathon for all kind of dissemination and promotional purposes (hereinafter: dissemination content). Dissemination content shall be provided without any compensation for the participants and shall be worldwide, perpetual and irrevocable.
4. Participation and Award selection
Teams are formed by organisers to guarantee a high degree of heterogeneity within the groups.
Participants who may want to switch teams may ask to do so BEFORE the start of the Hackathon and will be granted ONLY if the teams’ heterogeneity with regard to gender, nationality, and occupation is maintained. The final decision is taken by the organisers.
Each team can pitch 1 (one) hack only.
Presentations consist of practical demonstrations of hacks/products/campaigns. No slide-decks or power-points are allowed.
Presentations are limited to 3 minutes, plus possible Q&A from the judges.
The 5 Contest winners will be selected by the predefined panel of judges (“Judges”). All teams competing in any challenge are candidates for the award selection.
5. Evaluation Criteria
Applicability of the product/action: Whom does this project help and in what way? Does it solve a major problem from practice? Is the theme topical and applicable? Does anyone really have a real need of this project?
Content evaluation: Is it useful and interesting, and is it interactive or it already duplicates existing sources? Are the texts, illustrations and other multimedia elements reliable and of quality? Is the content copyrighted, or is it copied from somewhere (quality copyright content is more highly valued)?
Technical implementation: Are tools, instruments, or technologies used in an appropriate way? Is the design usable and intuitive user interface and user experience? Is there a good structure, layout and navigation? How high is the overall quality of the final product?
Impact of the product/action: Is the target group of the project/action clearly defined? Is the size of the target group realistic? Is it clear how the designed actions will impact the target group/s?
Pitching: Is the project presented attractively and convincingly during the defense?
6. Awards
The winning products will be selected to be further developed by GenderED Coalition experts and influencers, and will be launched as online campaigns or, depending on the nature of the product, as creative media content.
Participants of the winning teams may have the opportunity to participate in national or international dissemination events, even if their participation is not mandatory.
7. Termination of the Hackathon
The Organizer has the right at his discretion to terminate the Hackathon at any time without being exhaustive in the event of material misconduct, violation of the GenderED Coalition Civic Hackathon Rules, or force majeure circumstances.
The termination of the Hackathon is announced on the website genderedcoalition.net. In these cases, no compensation is due to the Participants.