Gender Ed Coalition Good Practices Collection
This is one of the digital folders produced by YAKAMÉDIA, an educational media library and the training website of CEMEA (NGO for popular education). CEMEA trains trainers to be youth workers in various fields, including MIL.
CLEMI - Concours #zérocliché - pour l'égalité fille-garçon
The Zéro Cliché pour l'égalité filles-garçons competition is back for its 12th edition. From kindergarten to high school, the competition gives you and your pupils the chance to create media productions (articles, blogs, TV or radio programs, podcasts, reports, etc.) to analyze gender stereotypes in everyday life. The issue of equality between women and men is omnipresent in the news, and is a national priority at the heart of educational issues in general, and media and information literacy in particular. CLEMI offers a competition and specific resources. You can also follow a training course to understand the related MIL issues and get ideas for classroom activities.
Femmes @ numérique
Women are missing from the digital world! We are working with all players - public, private, associative and educational - to support initiatives and impact projects aimed at promoting women's access to jobs and responsibilities in the digital ecosystem. We believe in collective action to change scale, and we look forward to working with you to ensure that, by 2030, women make up 50% of the workforce in digital professions.
Three stakes :
1 - Talent diversification to attract a more diverse talent pool, stimulating innovation and creativity.
2 - Increased competitiveness for better economic performance, particularly in terms of problem-solving and adaptability.
3 - Responding to markets under pressure, to reduce the risk of entire sectors of the economy being weakened by a lack of talent.
Matilda education
What is Matilda?
More than 100 videos, accompanied by educational resources, on the theme of gender equality, in all fields. Matilda is also a collaborative platform for exchanging ideas, questions and achievements.
Who is Matilda?
Matilda,is an association born on February 1, 2017, was conceived thanks to a team of over 50 people, bringing together the skills and enthusiasm of teachers from primary, middle and high schools, universities, videographers, musicians, digital professionals and associations.
It is supported by the Department for the Development and Distribution of Digital Resources, as well as the French Ministry of Education's Direction Générale de l'Enseignement Scolaire, the French Ministry of Culture, and the French Ministry for Families, Children and Women's Rights.
Is an educational video platform on gender equality still necessary in the 21st century?
Women and men make up an almost equal proportion of the population. It seems legitimate to want space to be shared equally too, be it economically, culturally, intellectually, symbolically, spatially or domestically. This would undoubtedly require that human rights finally become the rights of human beings. It would also require biological sex to regain its place, as a simple by-product of human nature.
#MaVoieMonChoix (Centre Hubertine Auclert)
#MaVoieMonChoix (Centre Hubertine Auclert)